Questioned the theory geocentric of the life
Las vacaciones de Hegel por Magrite Questioned the theory geocentric of the life By Fabián Núñez Baquero 25/09/2008 A team of Spanish scientists has discovered in the space to 700 years light of the Earth a molecule called very complex naphthalene, the same one that when being irradiated with ultraviolet rays and combined with water and ammonia, it produces fundamental amino acids for the development of the life and naftoquinonas, substances precursors of the vitamins. The news underlines: Their detection suggests that good part of the key components in the terrestrial chemical prebiótica could have been present in the interstellar material starting from which was formed the Solar System. > Agencias > EFE > El naftaleno se ha descubierto en una región de formación estelar de la constelación de Perseo, en dirección a la estrella Cernis 52. EFE - Santa Cruz de Tenerife - 19/09/2008 14:04 The naphthalene is also in the meteors that have bombarded the Earth ...